Thursday, 15 January 2015

~Lexington and Travis in the Great Outdoors~

Just a simple little posting ...  No story, just pictures.  

My sims Lex and Travis are a newly married couple from Willow Springs.This is just some pictures I took of their first time camping~

Calling to reserve a campsite

Dude, you're in a bear costume...

 Fine Cuisine by the campfire (hotdogs)

 Doing what's natural....  lol  :)

 Doing a little fishin'

Roasting a fish for dinner~ Travis... stop being a pyro!! Don't play with the fire!!

Brewing some Insect Repellent for Travis, damn skeeters are eating him alive!

 Holy Shit!  The Secret Entrance!!

The Hermit, Mr. Judd Salisbury - are all the hermits Insane?!?!?

Making a new friend~ Awwww...

That's it for now, I'll add more later. 